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The GREAT SCREAM (The Educator)

The GREAT SCREAM Program for Schools (The Educators) is a two-day intensive training initiative. It empowers TY teachers to become cognitive-behavioural coaches, enabling them to guide students using the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Training and Coaching Skills. Through this training, educators learn to facilitate student self-awareness, goal-setting, and emotional management, enhancing their role in promoting student growth.

Our Training


Day 1

Describe your service here. What makes it great? 


Day 2

Describe your service here. What makes it great? 


2-Day Core Training Programme Outlined:

Duration: 16 Hours (8 hours per day)

Audience: TY Educators

Focus: Developing educators’ interpersonal and professional skills to foster SEL and Mind-Emotional Nurturing (ME) in students.


By the end of the 2-day training, educators will be able to:


  • Apply Cognitive Behavioral Coaching (CBC) principles and interventions to support students’ self-belief, self-regulation, and self-management.

  • Equip students with the tools to develop positive beliefs about learning and achieve personal and academic success.

  • Foster reflective practices and a commitment to ongoing personal and professional growth.

  • synthesize all principles and skills learned during the workshop into actionable strategies for their classrooms


Day 1: Theoretical Foundations of GREAT SCREAM

Learning Outcomes


By the end of Day 1, Participants will  learn to;


  • Understand the brain-mind-body connection and its influence on adolescent (Students') behavior and learning.

  • Develop foundational knowledge of the GREAT SCREAM principles and the science of SEL and Mind Emotional Nurturing.

  • Learn to identify and address students' challenges through Congtive Behavioural Coaching and ABC model.

  • ​Explore how awareness of thought patterns can lead to productive behaviors.

  • Explore the Thinking errors and their impact on students.

  • Establish connections between the nine self-management principles and TY students’ development.

Day 2: Pratical Applications of GREAT SCREAM

Learning Outcomes


By the end of Day 2, Participants will learn to: 


  • Explore in-depth tools and techniques to help students develop self-belief, self-regulation, and self-management.

  • Learn to use strategies to help students quickly access, select, and evaluate helpful thoughts.​

  • Teach students how to connect their thoughts to emotions and actions.

  • Explore tools to help students effectively process emotions, identify triggers in learning and school/social situations.

  • Explore mindfulness-based practices like grounding techniques and breathing exercises.

  • Learn to use the PE-P (Pratical-Emotion Plan) to support students’ emotional resilience, personal and academic growth.

  • Teach students to name, normalize, and navigate emotions.

  • Apply practical CBC questioning techniques to guide students toward healthier thought patterns and behaviors.

  • Explore how intentional thinking and planning can improve focus and productivity.

  • Develop reflective practices and enhance interpersonal skills for working with TY students.

  • Learn to model self-care practices as educators to inspire students while nurturing students's Minds and Emotions (ME).

Adult Education Course
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